Recommended by Jamie Ryder
The only newsletter you need to help craft better ideas, more impactful brand campaigns, and compelling customer experiences.
Read by thousands of marketers, entrepreneurs, and business leaders from around the world.
I'd recommend All About Branding from Steven Picanza because he's got a lot of great brand strategy advice and mixes it with philosophy for some truly inspiring content.
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Minds. Each week we discuss philosophy, history, literature, and mythology to unlock the wisdom from the Classical world. Subscribe to our FREE newsletter and receive our Ebook, "How to be Happy" a Guide to Ethical Philosophy.
Classical Wisdom is an awesome philosophy community and Anya Leonard does a fantastic job of making all these subjects down to earth and fun.
Like a book club but for cocktails. Every Friday, around 4pm GMT, I will send a classic recipe to your inbox together with a specially curated musical playlist to match - plus essays, links, literary talk, portals to more elegant dimensions, etc.
The Spirits is an awesome source of great drink and hospitality content and the wealth of industry knowledge to explore is impressive.
Pursuing the mysterium tremendum et fascinans and writing at the intersection of philosophy, culture, art, technology, and religious wisdom.
I discovered mimetic desire through reading Luke Burgiss' book Wanting and it's a fascinating subject. Of course I had to go to his newsletter too. There's some great philosophy content to digest directly in your inbox with Anti-Mimetic.